Who Can Be Your Teacher? Your Coach? You’d Be Surprised!!

Some time ago, while biking along a brook in Sausalito, I was privileged to observe a large blue heron not even 10 yards away, in the process of looking for his lunch. I decided to stop and watch her.

Witnessing him moving through the water in slow motion stealth, I was treated to an incredible display of natural grace in motion – such a treat, way better than any ballet I’ve ever been to. No human being could possibly move so beautifully.

Several times over 10 minutes or so, she pounced for a fish in a flash and failed every time. I could see from the size and weight of this bird that he knew a thing or two about catching fish.

At no time did I observe my new teacher manifesting the least sign of frustration, anger, or fear: “Oh, I can’t do this. I’m a screw up. I’ve lost my edge. I’m gonna starve.”

That behavior is for the humans.

After maybe a dozen tries she caught a juicy fish, ate it, and flew away; leaving me to wonder at the power of focusing completely and totally on our goal without telling ourselves stories about why we aren‘t good enough, or are bound to fail.

Simply because I was willing to stop and pay attention, that blue heron became my coach. Our coaches and teachers are all around us. All we need to do is slow down a little, pay attention to what we are seeing, and then think about it. No big deal.

Be kind to yourself,


By Michael Scott

Michael Scott is a life coach, author and teacher in the San Francisco Bay Area. After spending 35 years in business - coaching found him - and he's never looked back. Michael uses his coaching training and experience, in the service of his clients, as their constant and loving guide towards joyous, fulfilling lives which are genuinely their own. He lives with his dear wife in Sausalito, CA.

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