Sweet Reader,
A really tough week here in the USA…no kidding!
So when Thursday rolled around, I couldn’t wait to get to my weekly gig at Martin’s Homeless here in SF. I KNEW I’d feel better when I left. I always do.
Lincoln was right. It DOES “feel good to do good”. As you know, I’ve posted about Martins a few times here – about all of the life lessons I learn from our guests and my fellow volunteers.
We feed about 600 hungry people in a typical lunch meal. They get the food, our love and our respect. We do just as well, maybe better.. WE get the love back , PLUS the high we feel from doing this beautiful work.
This week there was a bonus though. The kids at St. Cecilia School, made and delivered sandwiches for our guests which we offered them along with their soup and salad. Many youngsters decorated their offerings with messages of greetings and love.
Love manifests in many ways. This is a beautiful one. I took these pics to share with you.
If you are feeling a bit down in the dumps by all the terrible stuff that has happened this past week, I hope this brings a smile. It did me.
No surprise – again it’s the kids showing us the way out.
Practice Tip:
In a funk? Current events gettin’ you down? DO SERVICE. I GUARANTEE RESULTS.
Dear Reader, please be kind to yourself, (and someone else too).