Hello dear reader, It’s been quite a while. I know. As I said to some of you not too long ago, I backed off from this blogging thing because I’ve been really bummed out by what’s going on with the incomprehensible (to me) behavior of some of the humans here in the US, and in… Continue reading “Do Your Work, Then Step Back – The Only Path To Serenity”
Tag: Letting go
From One Legged Teachers: Lessons On Living – AND letting go of – A Life of Generous & Loving Service
Hello sweet reader, Laura and I were having breakfast a couple of days ago with our dear friends and neighbors Jerry Jampolsky and Diane Cirincione, shortly after our recent return from our summer in “Bernieland” (Go Bernie!!) Jerry always has some challenging question for me, about my ongoing (and endless…I pray) spiritual journey/struggle and he… Continue reading From One Legged Teachers: Lessons On Living – AND letting go of – A Life of Generous & Loving Service
Hello dear Reader, Some time ago I ran into a woman of whom I’m a huge fan, who has been a very important teacher for me, and who I hadn’t seen in quite a while. She asked me “So Michael, how’re you doing? What’s up? I answered, “All the important stuff is fine. But I’ve… Continue reading IN EXCHANGE FOR A BETTER FUTURE, I HEREBY RENOUNCE MY WISH FOR A BETTER PAST.
On Letting Go…
“Real happiness doesn’t come from getting things. Real happiness comes from letting go”. (Pam Weiss) A year or two ago I was attending one of the regular Wednesday night SF Insight group classes led by Pam Weiss, my coaching – (and important spiritual) teacher. Have I ever mentioned in any of my posts that most… Continue reading On Letting Go…
The “Near Enemies”
WE CANNOT SEE OURSELVES IN RUNNING WATER, BUT ONLY IN STILL WATER – Chuang Tzu In a recent post on the subject of character, I suggested a practice tip to the effect that if, in conversation with person A, A is telling you something about person B, listen carefully, because you are learning a lot about… Continue reading The “Near Enemies”
Up In Smoke
What is art? What is an artist? Hello dear reader, from our forest cabin in Vermont’s wild and beautiful NE Kingdom, I pray you are having the best summer. Me too. So good in fact, that I’ve been a poor correspondent.I promise to mend my ways. I’ve a number of things on my mind that… Continue reading Up In Smoke