There’s a small post on the bulletin board at Martin’s (that soup kitchen I told you about?), which I looked at again this week. It says:
“It’s probably the people who are the hardest to love who need it the most”
My first thought when I read it was “that feels right, that makes sense.”
Then I went directly to who “they” are. There are sooo many, right? The arrogant ones, the know it alls, the mean, angry, smelly, needy, pompous, macho, fearful, loud ones. Yeah, them – you know who they are. The list is endless actually. No shortage of hard to love people.
Then it hit me: “Of course!! I’m the one!! How many times do I beat myself up for all number of failings, mistakes – too this, too that, not this, not that… not good enough? I’m the one I find hardest to love, and I need it the most.”
Dear reader, do you know this one? Do you do this too? We both have to stop it. The one we owe love and compassion to first – is us. Otherwise, how can we possibly offer it to others?
Please, be kind to yourself,