“Caught in the headlights?” Not this time…

A very weird story, creepy but in a really good way. Makes me question all my assumptions…again…

What do you think is going on with this one :

Animals don’t normally check themselves into veterinary clinics, but that’s pretty much what happened in Rossford Ohio last week when a deer, with a badly gashed and bleeding left leg bounded into a PetSmart store.

The store vet, Agustin Cuesta, administered an anaesthetic, electrolytes, and antibiotics, then stitched the wound with dissolvable stitches. The deer then got up and ran away.” (“Thanks Doc, but I am so outta here”…how smart is that??)

What else do we think we know about animals? Angels? Gotta keep that “don’t know” mind.

By Michael Scott

Michael Scott is a life coach, author and teacher in the San Francisco Bay Area. After spending 35 years in business - coaching found him - and he's never looked back. Michael uses his coaching training and experience, in the service of his clients, as their constant and loving guide towards joyous, fulfilling lives which are genuinely their own. He lives with his dear wife in Sausalito, CA.

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