My Regrets Have The Power To Shrink Me, Or To Grow Me. It’s My Choice.

Hi again beautiful reader. It’s so good to be back with you. I believe that one of the main reasons that reflecting on our mortality too often makes us uncomfortable (unnecessarily in my view) has to do not with the fear of death itself, but just as much, with our regrets, and with diminishing time… Continue reading My Regrets Have The Power To Shrink Me, Or To Grow Me. It’s My Choice.


Who the F#&K are YOU??!!

    You’re KIDDING, right??   Unlike the other guy, click on this link: and of whom I am not a fan) – who is fancied by some, and by himself as a journalist, but here self-depicted as Narcissus 2013 – I believe that whether or not 70 is indeed “the new 50” has to do… Continue reading THE NEW 50??SERIOUSLY??!!

Who ARE These Guys??!!

2013 Guy

WHO ARE THESE GUYS??!! Dear Reader, Yeah, I know, it’s been a while. No “excuse” really. It’s not as though I haven’t been thinking about things (too much probably), but I reckon I’ve been in that place where, because I don’t know whether anyone actually reads this stuff, I figured: “why post your thoughts? It’s… Continue reading Who ARE These Guys??!!

No Regrets…

Hello Dear Reader, I just found the piece below, online, and I want to share  it with you. After all, “sharing is caring”, right? It was written by Bronnie Ware, a singer/songwriter  from Australia, who spent several years  in the palliative care field, caring for people who knew they were dying. Her words, below, are… Continue reading No Regrets…

What you DO is NOT who you are

I love this little story. I think you will too: Keichu, (1640-1701) the great Zen teacher of the Meiji era was the head of Tofuku, an important temple in Kyoto. One day, Kitigaki, the governor of Kyoto decided to visit him, and announced himself by presenting his business card to Keichu’s attendant: KITIGAKI GOVERNOR OF… Continue reading What you DO is NOT who you are

The Same Bench

In last week’s Chron, I spotted a piece called the “People Meter” wherein reporter Trey Bundy interviewed 5 people asking each to describe their “perfect day off.”  Voila: Aaron (age 32): “That would be the Giants home opener. Maybe some garlic fries and a beer.” Joseph (age 43): “Probably at the ocean, walking barefoot. It’s… Continue reading The Same Bench

Embarrassed? Oh…no!!

My last post about “crying unabashedly”, and people being embarrassed by that, got me thinking about the other stuff we say embarrasses us, and why. There is certainly no shortage of possible candidates for that list. It’s endless actually: – You’re chatting with someone at a party. A friend comes over and asks to be… Continue reading Embarrassed? Oh…no!!

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