The Same Bench

In last week’s Chron, I spotted a piece called the “People Meter” wherein reporter Trey Bundy interviewed 5 people asking each to describe their “perfect day off.”  Voila: Aaron (age 32): “That would be the Giants home opener. Maybe some garlic fries and a beer.” Joseph (age 43): “Probably at the ocean, walking barefoot. It’s… Continue reading The Same Bench

On “Success”

  I was having lunch recently with a friend and the subject got around to how each of us would characterize a “successful” life – this is a typical conversation for geezers when not engaged in their usual, what I call “organ recitals,” (AKA- the medical laundry list). I have a lot of trouble around… Continue reading On “Success”

Firing the judge

Six years ago, as part of my training as a life coach, I was likewise being coached on my own topic, namely my lifelong relationship (struggle) with my relentless inner critic: the judge. Among many other exercises, my teacher (and coach) assigned me to create a conversation with the judge, essentially firing him. What follows… Continue reading Firing the judge


What…ever” Saying “What…ever…” is not letting go. There is anger in “whatever”. There is aversion there, hence grasping. No freedom, no relief …no “letting go”. Regarding my periodic suffering from feelings of anger, fear, and despair, brought on by what we are doing to our planet (to ourselves), I know that I must move from “whatever”… Continue reading What…ever


I came across this journal entry which I wrote a while back at Green Gulch – an organic farm which is one of the three San Francisco Zen Center venues. I thought I’d like to share it with you because it portrays (in a really tiny way) the opportunities we are offered all the time… Continue reading Compost

Better Than The Gold

I was privileged to visit the “Treasures Of Afganistan” exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum in NYC yesterday. Such a rich display of the amazing cultural heritage of that country – the objects thousands of years old – a wonderful glimpse into the lives of the people of that time and place. Of course, there was… Continue reading Better Than The Gold


First Blog…Wow!! I’m so looking forward to meeting, greeting and exchanging ideas, hopes, dreams with visitors to my website and this Blog. Check in often! I’ll be posting all kinds of stuff, and welcome your comments. Till then, stay tuned! Every blessing, Metta, Michael Subscribe in a reader