Never Too Late

In the spring of 2002, I attended my daughter Julia’s graduation from Smith College in Northampton Mass.   Obviously, the best and biggest part of that memorable weekend was about our wonderful Julia – our happiness for and pride in her. Like most of her classmates, Julia was just shy of 22.   But there… Continue reading Never Too Late

When I Do Good….

A few nights ago, I watched a PBS special about the life, trials, and tribulations of the late Dalton Trumbo – author and Hollywood screenwriter in the post WWII years – the time of a particularly shameful episode in the history of this country known as the “blacklist.” It was riveting – and heart breaking.… Continue reading When I Do Good….

He told us he learned compassion FROM HIS MOM

Martin de Porres in San Francisco is a soup kitchen/homeless shelter at which I volunteer on Thursdays. We serve our guests anywhere from 600 – 1000 breakfasts, and then lunches daily. Everyone is welcome, and treated with the utmost respect. It’s my favorite day of the week. Not only does it offer me a weekly… Continue reading He told us he learned compassion FROM HIS MOM