What you DO is NOT who you are

I love this little story. I think you will too: Keichu, (1640-1701) the great Zen teacher of the Meiji era was the head of Tofuku, an important temple in Kyoto. One day, Kitigaki, the governor of Kyoto decided to visit him, and announced himself by presenting his business card to Keichu’s attendant: KITIGAKI GOVERNOR OF… Continue reading What you DO is NOT who you are

On “Success”

  I was having lunch recently with a friend and the subject got around to how each of us would characterize a “successful” life – this is a typical conversation for geezers when not engaged in their usual, what I call “organ recitals,” (AKA- the medical laundry list). I have a lot of trouble around… Continue reading On “Success”